
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
2P‘s Episode 71 - After a break, A year in review, Mental health and the hobby
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Hail Mighty Listeners
It is very good to be back, and thank you so much for bearing with us. It has been a challenging few months both technically and emotionally. We cannot thank you all enough for the support you have shown us in this period of down time. Thank you.
Today, because we are as rusty as ork hinges, we dip our toe back in gently and recap our highlights from the year. We also talk a little bit about mental health and the hobby.
We hope you have a bleddy wonderful Christmas and that COVID doesnt screw it up.
With much love, grab some refreshments, and enjoy episode 71
The 2Ps
00:02:22 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - What we have got up too this year, and our plans for the next one
00:27:23 - GALAXY OF WAR - Our thoughts on this years offerings for 40k
00:45:11 - THE MORTAL REALMS -AOS 3.0
00:57:04 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - Charity raffles and mental health
01:14:02 - INTO THE WILDS - Loot studios and a few other bits and bobs
Huge thanks to Bensound.com for the tune "epic"

Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
2P’s Episode 70 - Imperium, Dragons, Middle earth, Warhammer+ and Disappearing scenery
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Hail Mightly Listeners!!
Welcome to episode 70, we talk about the Imperium magazine, the future of Horus Heresy, and Dragons.
We also get very excited about warhammer+
Strap yourselves in, grad some refreshments...
And prepare for drop pod assault!!!
Big Love,
The 2Ps
00:01:54 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - Its a scenery bonanza as we get our offering to 40hrs of 40K ready
00:31:04 - GALAXY OF WAR - Imperium magazine, necromunda, 30k and our frustration with discontinued scenery
01:01:32 - MORTAL REALMS - DRAGONS!!!!
01:17:06 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - Its all about showing 40hrs of 40K some more love
01:27:27 - INTO THE WILDS - An incredible set of announcements for MESBG and Warhammer +
40hours of 40k
As usual big thanks to bensound.com for the awesome tunes "epic" and "instinct"

Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
2P’s Episode 69 - Live from Aqshy, AOS3 and Killteam 2.0
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Hail Mighty Listeners!
And welcome to episode 69
(We manage to get all the way through with only one innuendo!)
We come at you live from the plains of Aqshy to bring you our thoughts on the new Killteam, AOS 3 after playing some games, SOOOOO many miniatures released or previewed.
We currently look like the dude from the movie "Airplane" trying to land, so pretty glad this is radio not television!!
Stay awesome, grab some refreshements, and join us ep 69
The 2 Ps
- 00:00:02 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - Scenery, Orruks and Dominion
- 00:31:05 - GALAXY OF WAR - Kill team and Orks and mighty fine they are too
- 00:46:41 - THE MORTAL REALMS - AOS 3!!
- 01:09:19 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - We shout out some of the awesome!
- 01:30:11 - INTO THE WILDS - Dropzone Commander and Loot studios
- https://www.instagram.com/the_convertorum
- https://www.instagram.com/cultofpaint
- https://www.instagram.com/njm_marcofrisoni
- https://www.instagram.com/daemonrich
- https://www.instagram.com/40hoursof40k/
- Bensound.com
We are supporters and fundraisers for CALM, the campaign against living miserably, helping to support people struggling with their mental health.

Thursday Jun 24, 2021
2P’s Episode 68 - We are back!! And we are joined for an episode about 40hrs of 40k
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Hail Mighty Listeners
Welcome to Episode 68, this time we are joined by two truly awesome chaps, Andrew Weller and Bobby Clarke, to talk about the event 40hours of 40k. This event raises money for the Campaign against living miserably (CALM) which tackles the issue of suicide in men.
We do discuss some difficult topics here, and it does get emotional, there is also some blue language.
Dont worry we also have a laugh, We hope you enjoy it
Grab some refreshments and join us, for ep 68
The 2 Ps
- 00:01:18 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - We all chat hobby and set the world to rights!
- 00:40:12 - GALAXY OF WAR - We hear the guys take on the current edition of 40k
- 01:08:47 - THE MORTAL REALMS - Well, we discuss the new edition of course!
- 01:22:39 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - We discuss 40 hours of 40k
- 02:15:13 - INTO THE WILDS - It gets pretty random!
- https://www.instagram.com/40hoursof40k
- https://www.facebook.com/40hours40k
- https://www.instagram.com/redeaglestudio
- https://www.facebook.com/redeaglestudio1
- https://www.thecalmzone.net/
- bensound.com for the awesome intro tune "epic"

Thursday Apr 22, 2021
2P’s Episode 67 - Marshmallows, Daemon princes and Anphiarus
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Hail Mighty Listeners
This week we are joined by the mighty Anphiarus AKA Barrie Watkins, who tries to convice us hes not Alpharius.... and also talks about sculpting and shares his hobby energy with us.
We hope you enjoyed your Easter break and didnt eat too much chocolate, not something we can claim!
Grab some refreshments and join us for episode 67!
The 2 Ps
- 00:01:33 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - Dan goes through his multitude of projects, Ben reveals he has in fact gone mad, and Baz tells us about the Deceiver he is working on.
- 00:37:40 - GALAXY OF WAR - We look at the incredible sisters of battle releases, and a servant of the warmaster
- 01:06:56 - THE MORTAL REALMS -Belakor, Kroak, and witchunters, the perfect combination
- 01:29:59 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - We grill Baz on his scuplting and get some fantastic tips
- 02:11:57 - INTO THE WILDS - Marshmallows, My Little pony, Aliens, Tanks and Maps... honestly
www.bensound.com for the fantastic music - "Epic"

Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Hail Mighty Listeners
The venerable Games Workshop have chosen once more to release a preview on the day we record, so we have plenty of juicy new models to discuss!!
We also have a chat about WW2 gaming and Bens first play of the Alien Roleplay.
We hope you are keeping well,
Grab some refreshments! and join us for episode 66
The 2Ps
- 00:02:30 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - Space wolves and Nurgly goodness
- 00:25:09 - GALAXY OF WAR - Fanatical fanatics, a suprise SOB tank, and Snakebite Orks!!
- 00:48:43 - THE MORTAL REALMS - Vampires... oh yes
- 01:03:03 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - We announce our competition winner and shout out the awesome hobby we have spotted. We announce a charity venture we are taking part in
- 01:25:47 - INTO THE WILDS - Aliens and GI's.... maybe a sequel to Aliens vs Cowboys?

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
2P’s Episode 65 - The Fenrisian Beard Fabricator!
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Hail Mighty Listeners!!!
This week its is our pleasure to be joined by the fabricator of Fenrisian beards himself; Valbjorn, AKA Jason.
He joins us as we talk through our hobby desks, chat about the upcoming Imperium magazine, and have a blast from the past as we flick through the original "Warhammer Armies" book.
Valbjorn then talks through his process and approach to greenstuff, and finally, we close out by chatting about some wild things.
We hope you enjoy the episode,
Grab some refreshments, and join us for episode 65
The 2Ps
- 00:02:32 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - We talk about Orks with beards, Star wars lasers, Nurgle and Space wolves
- 00:49:51 - GALAXY OF WAR - We explore the upcoming imperium magazine, and discuss its pros and cons
- 01:17:50 - THE MORTAL REALMS - We looks at the original Warhammer Armies book and a rat vampire...
- 01:34:29 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - Jason talks us through his approach to green stuff, shares some excellent hints and advice, and talks about the future of his you tube channel
- 02:16:10 - INTO THE WILDS - Ben has got his hands on the full ALIENS roleplay corebook, and we discuss the "Loot Studios" monthly STL subscription

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
2P’s Episode 64 - Elves, Aliens and a very Cursed City
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Hail Mighty Listeners!!!
Welcome to episode 64, we shamelessly spend ages in the mortal realms going through the new preview.... so many new awesome things.
We talk about Aliens, our painting antics and all the usual good stuff.
Hope you are well, Grab some refreshments and join us, for episode 64.
The 2 Ps
- 00:01:53 - HOBBY DESK - Space wolves and legion for the win
- 00:28:01 - GALAXY OF WAR - We discuss the absence of fauna in the current Space Wolves book, as well as the recent Black library releases
- 00:41:21 - THE MORTAL REALMS - Blow by shameless blow we work through the preview. Best listened while the preview page is up.
- 01:46:45 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - Its time to shout out some awesomeness (yes thats a word)
- 02:06:30 - INTO THE WILDS - Aliens.... we chat about the Aliens roleplay by Free League
- https://instagram.com/forgottenwulf
- https://instagram.com/ootfppodcast
- https://instagram.com/_jaded.art_
- https://instagram.com/fletchers_painting
- www.bensound.com for the awesome tunes 'Epic' and 'instinct'
Find our Hobby forum here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/410235512732490

Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
2P’s Episode 63 - Exodites, God Emperors, Cake and Star Wars
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Hail Mighty Listeners
Welcome to Episode 63!
We are joined by the mighty Rob Ellis esq of The Pro Painted Podcast. We cover off all the upcoming releases, discuss Robs incredible Exodite project and pontificate on many and varied things, including Star wars legion.
We hope you are all well,
Be excellent to each other, grab some refreshments and join us... for episode 63
The 2P's
- 00:02:40 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - Exodites, Space wolves, Star Wars and more
- 00:48:52 - GALAXY OF WAR - We look at the releases, and discuss "Master of Mankind" and other god emperors
- 01:12:27 - THE MORTAL REALMS - Underworlds, Slannesh and the new boxed games
- 01:41:24 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - Shout outs!!!
- 02:11:17 - INTO THE WILDS - Star wars and Tinker Turf
- Tinker turf https://www.tinkerhousegames.com/tinkerturf/
- https://instagram.com/grave.hammer
- https://instagram.com/anphiarus
- https://instagram.com/make.elves.great.again
- https://instagram.com/lutherian_99
- https://instagram.com/paintspillcurse
- https://twitter.com/ash_mcewan
- And Bensound.com for the amazing tunes as always

Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Short and sweet with our focus on the new releases. We hope this finds you well. Stay awesome, grab some refreshments, and join us for episode 62!
The 2 Ps
- 00:01:08 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - Ben approaches the end of his Space Wolves company, Dan is working on more Nurgle...Korne will be most displeased
- 00:30:59 - GALAXY OF WAR - A stare to scare, A titan of wonderous proportions, and Heavy intercessors.
- 00:53:46 - THE MORTAL REALMS - Air Elves, Some superb new Vampires and we get a bit excited about a new warhammer quest
- 01:11:34 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - We shout out some frankly superb hobby.
- 01:35:39 - INTO THE WILDS - We look at Loot studios new STL subscription
- https://www.instagram.com/journeytothewarp
- https://www.instagram.com/k03rnl
- https://www.instagram.com/upplander
- https://www.instagram.com/sol_vince
Bens sounds for the tunes.Find our Hobby Forum here;

Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
2P’s Episode 61 - An evening hanging out with James Otero from Siege Studios
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Hail Mighty Listeners!!
Welcome to episode 61 where we have been joined by the fantastic James Otero, founder of Siege studios and Artis Opus brushes.
We hang out and talk hobby, Star Trek, Star Wars, Dune, Warhammer and the story of Siege Studios.
So grab some refreshments and settle in for episode 61
Be excellent to each other
The 2 Ps
- 00:01:41 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - We discuss plans for the year and recent projects....
- 00:36:11 - GALAXY OF WAR - We share our thoughts on the new and the old of 40k
- 01:08:12 - THE MORTAL REALMS - We do the same for AOS taking a look at the new Slannesh and Serephon models
- 01:35:20 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - James tells us all about Siege Studios and the ethos and thinking behind the company.
- 02:35:07 - INTO THE WILDS - DUUUUNE RPG anyone..? Well Modiphius have got you sorted
- https://siegestudios.co.uk/
- https://www.instagram.com/siegestudios
- https://twitter.com/SiegeStudios
- https://www.instagram.com/the_miniature_painting_tutor Tommie Soule, who we mention in the episode.
- https://www.modiphius.com/
- www.bensound.com for the tunes. "epic" for the intro and "instinct" for the bridge
- Filmstro for the outro "Viking"

Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
2P’s Episode 60 - A year in review, our hobby plans for 2020, and we talk Dadhammer
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Hail Mighty Listeners!
Its that time of year again, and we have reached the somewhat odd milestone of episode 60.
In this episode, we wear our hearts on our sleeves a bit and discuss being parents while trying to fit in the hobby, the struggles of 2020, and its ups and downs for us.
We also take a look at our hobby in 2020 and all the releases we have really enjoyed. We take the opportunity to look forward and plan what we would like to do, and what we would like to see released.
We hope you have a bloody fantastic Christmas, and that the new year get rid of the curse of 2020. We wish you all the very best of things.
Stay awesome, grab some refreshments, and join us, for episode 60
The 2 Ps
Dan and Ben
- 00:01:54 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - Our year in review, and our plans for 2020
- 00:57:27 - GALAXY OF WAR - Our top pics of 2020 and our hopes for 40k moving forward
- 01:19:36 - THE MORTAL REALMS - Our top pics of 2020 and our hopes for AOS moving forward (almost like there is a theme...)
- 01:44:01 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - We shout out some awesome hobby! And a bit of a wild card!
- 02:04:11 - INTO THE WILDS - DADHAMMER, we try and make sense of being parents, husbands, and trying to fit in hobby.... eeek

Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
2P’s Episode 59 - Lil Legend, Sigvald, 3D printing, Lots of hobby tips and more
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Hail Mighty Listeners!
What?! a new episode! Already, yes indeed!!!
Welcome to episode 59, we are joined by Miles Davis AKA the Lil Legend. He will be chatting hobby and his hobby advent callendar.
We take our usual look at some of the recent releases and get tremendously excited about painting.
We hope you enjoy the episode,
Grab some refreshments, and join us for episode 59
Big Love
The 2Ps
- 00:02:20 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - We chat about our hobby desks, including Lil Legend, who tells us about his Sons of Horus project
- 00:44:09 - GALAXY OF WAR - We look at the up coming crusade pack for the Deathguard. Poor old Metallica
- 01:02:56 - INTO THE MORTAL REALMS - Sigvald... Slaanesh... that is all
- 01:18:36 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - Lil Legend tells us all about his patreon, the hobby advent callendar and we discuss how important it is to support artists that you enjoy, and how patreon is a great vehicle to do this
- 01:55:03 - INTO THE WILDS - Lil Legend gives us his top 5 painting tips, and we discuss a bit of Necromunda

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Hail Mighty Listeners
Welcome to the epic ballad that is episode 58 (we think). We have a hobby chat with Henry Steele, Co-founder of Cult of Paint. We spent hours chatting and recorded some of it! We hope you enjoy it, because we had a blast recording it, and we hope to get Henry back in the future.
He also tells us about the Cult of Paints superb new kickstarter and we wholeheartedly recommend going and checking it out.
Its a long one, we hope you make it through, we think its worth it!
Be excellent to each other.
Grab some refreshments and join us for episode 58
The 2Ps
- 00:02:17 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - We chat hobby with the wonderful Henry Steele, Ben talks about batch painting space wolves and a new interest in sculpting, Dan shares his experiences about 10mm
- 01:16:10 - GALAXY OF WAR - We run through the recent releases, including the Space Wolves supplement and fabulous necromunda scenery
- 01:49:01 - THE MORTAL REALMS - Morathi, Blood Bowl, and prediction for the future
- 02:15:12 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - Henry Steele tells us all about the superb new kickstarter by Cult of Paint
- 03:10:09 - INTO THE WILDS - Dan barely contains his excitement as he rediscovers Warmaster, and begins a new journey into 3D printing.
- https://www.instagram.com/valbjorn
- https://www.patreon.com/forestdragon
- https://www.instagram.com/forestdragon3d
- https://www.instagram.com/cultofpaint
- https://www.centimetrewarriors.com/
- www.instagram.com/excellentminis
- https://pendraken.co.uk/
- https://printingindetail.co.uk/
- www.instagram.com/printing_in_detail
Thanks once more to www.bensound.com for the music 'epic'

Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
2P’s Episode 57 - After a break... We chat new 40k, Warcry, Dune and more
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Hail Mighty Listeners!!
Sorry about the little break, but life has been in the way!
Welcome back to Episode 57, we have a chat about the new 40k and our experiences and opinions about the releases so far.
Nine inch Dan joins us to chat about a recent 1k AOS tournament that we attended.
We also chat Warcry, pontificate on the new Dune film and get excited about Claymore Castings.
We hope you enjoy the episode,
Be excellent to each other.
Grab some refreshments,
Its the 2Ps
- 00:02:51 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - Ben continues with his vast Spacewolf batch paint, while Dan smashes out the Warcry scenery
- 00:39:55 - GALAXY OF WAR - We discuss all the new releases, and our experiences of the new edition
- 01:24:48 - INTO THE MORTAL REALMS - Tournaments, warcry and Slaanesh
- 01:54:36 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - We shout out some of the artists and work that has caught our eye over the last few weeks.
- 02:17:00 - INTO THE WILDS - Action figures, Dune, Heroquest and more
- https://www.instagram.com/tupavkosmadness
- https://www.instagram.com/paintsquig1980
- https://www.instagram.com/cheesehammer40k
- https://www.instagram.com/eyecon74
- https://www.instagram.com/forestdragon3d
- https://www.cultofpaint.com/
- https://www.instagram.com/cultofpaint
As always https://www.bensound.com/ for the fantastic intro "epic"

Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Hail Mighty Listeners,
You may need a significant amount of refreshments for this episode as we bring on the limitless excitement of Mr Christopher Gough "Narrative Chris" and we and up talking hobby well into the night.
We have tried a new way of recording which should allow us to bring on more guests to the podcast, we hope you like it.
We cover off all our usual segments and do a more in depth look at Drowned earth.
Be excellent to each other,
Grab (a lot) of refreshments
The 2Ps
00:02:36 - ONTHE HOBBY DESK - We all talk about our latest projects, Ben has started painting again!
00:43:39 - GALAXY OF WAR - We discuss our Narrative campaign
01:35:16 - THE MORTAL REALMS - We have a chat about what we know about the generals handbook and a cursory look at the Lumineth realm lords
02:11:12 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - We shout out some awesome hobby and share opur views on recasting
02:39:02 - INTO THE WILDS - Drowned Earth

Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
2P’s Episode 55- Its a New 40k!!!, Lumineth realm lords and Drowned earth
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Hot off the press its a new 40k and we are in love with the boxed set. We have a good old look at the models and share our musings.
We also shout out some really excellent You Tube producers... make sure you go check them out.
Be excellent to each other, grab some refreshments and join us, for episode 55
The 2 Ps
- 00:02:42 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - We talk about what we are working on and our hobby plans
- 00:36:18 - GALAXY OF WAR - A new 40k box set gives us... a few things to discuss
- 01:28:07 - THE MORTAL REALMS - The realm lords are nearly here and Ben talks about Callis and Toll
- 01:48:38 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - We discuss some of the excellent content we have found this month
- 02:17:10 - INTO THE WILDS - Drowned earth and Tabletop world
Midwinter Minis
- Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9XTzwex6rGLVUGS9cLKFLw
- Insta - https://www.instagram.com/mwminis/
Grimdark Compendium
- Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj8X4YBgWcDQkPfqsLZJs9g
- Insta - https://www.instagram.com/grimdark_compendium/
- Webage -https://grimdarkcompendium.com/
Willian Daries
- Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/WiltrichsMiniatureArt
- Insta - https://www.instagram.com/wiltrichs/
And of course Bensound.com for the tunes! "epic"

Wednesday May 13, 2020
2P’s Episode 54- GIANTS!! pariahs, Apocalypse, Moonstone minis and more
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Hail Mighty Listeners!
We hope episode 54 finds you safe and well. Our thoughts are with you all, and we hope you are getting through your hobby backlogs!! We are certainly doing our best!
A jolly little jaunt through new releases and exciting things we have seen. Nothing high brow here!!
Be excellent to each other!
Grab some refreshments....
Big Love, the 2 Ps
- 00:02:58 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - Dan batch paints, Ben batch build, Joshua makes an unholy mess
- 00:37:31 - GALAXY OF WAR - More Psychic awakening, Necrons loom on the horizon! Apocalypse
- 01:17:51 - THE MORTAL REALMS - GIANTS!! Snotlings.. and everything in between
- 01:44:16 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - We spread the word of some awesome hobby
- 02:14:09 - INTO THE WILDS - Northumbrian Tin soldiers, Moonstone and more.
Andy of the Aett - @oftheaett https://www.instagram.com/andyoftheaett/
Leonard Dime -https://www.facebook.com/groups/necromundaterrainmakers/permalink/942387629550884/
Ben Alame - https://www.instagram.com/seumer_mini/ @BenAlame
Bensound for the awesome tunes. https://www.bensound.com/

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
2P’s Episode 53 - Lockdown, the great build, Psychic awakening, Cow Elves and more
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
We have been busy and lots to talk about.
Most importantly, in these rather rubbish times, we wish you all well and hope this finds you safe and happy.
Be excellent to each other
The 2 Ps
- 00:01:58 - ON THE HOBBY DESK - Ben builds, well.... everything, Dan really gets his batch painting badge!
- 00:40:37 - GALAXY OF WAR - Psychic awakening... books 7, 8 and 9 eeek An Angelic primarch and some utter heretics
- 01:01:16 - INTO THE MORTAL REALMS - The Lumineth divide opinion and we speculate about an army of giants
- 01:27:56 - HAIL TO THE COMMUNITY - We spread some love about the wonderful wargaming community.
- 01:56:03 - LORD OF THE WILDS - or is it the Wilds of middle earth, Bad squiddo, fogou models, Fenris games and of course the new Middle earth releases
- https://www.fogoumodels.co.uk/
- https://badsquiddogames.com/
- https://www.instagram.com/figouz/
- https://www.instagram.com/paintsquig1980/
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/foamworkshop/?ref=bookmarks
- www.bensound.com for the awesome intro music "epic"
- https://www.instagram.com/srbartminis
- https://www.instagram.com/toomuchdevlan
- Wenquin Du

Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Virtual Wargames Convention Adepticon 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Hail Mighty Listeners!
And welcome to our first Virtual Wargames Convention.
During the COVID-19 pandemic many events and conventions will close. Traders and friendly local gaming stores often rely on these events for many things; To promote their product, fund development of new ones, keep stores open on the highstreet etc.
We have been trying to think of a way we can help them out and came up with the virtual wargaming convention
Every day we have been promoting businesses that would have been an exhibitor at a local or national convention or event. We will also promote as many local venues as me can, spreading out as far as we can from the southwest.
This episode is a special podcasts where we will explore all the exhibitors that would have been at Adepticon 2020 so that people can sit down and listen along while they explore what would have been on offer.
Follow along with the #vitualwarcon hashtag to keep up
All the best, we hope you enjoy it
Dan and Ben (The 2Ps)
- 00:02:58 - PART 1
- 00:31:33 - PART 2
- 00:51:12 - PART 3
- 01:10:39 - PART 4
- 01:27:38 - PART 5
- 01:59:40 - PART 6
- 02:25:45 - PART 7
- 02:52:44 - PART 8
- Wanderlight Games https://www.etsy.com/shop/WanderlightWargames
- Versatile terrain - @VT_Terrain - https://www.versatileterrain.co.uk
- Archon Studio - @StudioArchon - https://archon-studio.com/starcide/
- Table War Designs - @TableWarDesigns - https://tablewar.com
- Warcradle Studios - @warcradlestudio - https://www.warcradle.com/
- Death Ray Miniatures - @DeathRayMinis - https://deathraydesigns.com/
- Squad Marks - @SquadMarks - https://www.squadmarks.com/
- Crocodile Games - @CrocGames - http://www.crocodilegames.com/
- Firelock Games - @FirelockGames - https://www.firelockgames.com/
- Mats by Mars - @matsbymars- https://matsbymars.com/
- Gaddis Gaming - @GaddisGaming - https://www.gaddisgaming.com/
- Gale Force Nine - @GaleForceNine - https://www.gf9.com/
- Battle foam - @battlefoam @battlefoamuk - http://battlefoam.com/
- Arena Rex - @ArenaRex - https://arenarex.com/
- Knuckle duster Miniature - http://www.knuckleduster.com/shop/
- Gorgon studios - https://gorgon-studios.myshopify.com/
- Steve Jackson Games - @SJgames- http://www.sjgames.com/
- Modiphius Entertainment - @Modiphius- https://www.modiphius.net/
- The Fifth Trooper - @FifthTrooper - https://thefifthtrooper.com/
- Elriks hobbies - Elrikshobbies.com - https://www.elrikshobbies.com/
- Mini masterwerks - #minimasterwerks-http://minimasterwerksks.com/
- Anvil Eight Games - @AnvilEightGames - https://www.anvil-eight.com/
- The Wargaming Company - @TheWargamingCo - https://thewargamingcompany.com/
- Siege Studions - @SiegeStudios - https://siegestudios.co.uk/
- Tagged Events - https://www.facebook.com/taggedevents/
- Steam Forged Games - @SteamforgedLtd - https://steamforged.com/
- Dwarven Forge - @dwarvenforge - https://dwarvenforge.com/
- Norse Foundry - @norsefoundry - https://www.norsefoundry.com/
- Janes Tools - @JanesTools - https://www.janestools.com/
- Gripping Beast - @Gripping_Beast - https://www.grippingbeast.co.uk/
- Wyrd Games - @WyrdGames - https://www.wyrd-games.net/
- Lost Battalion Games - http://www.lostbattaliongames.com/
- Xenomorphic Press - https://www.ebay.com/str/xenomorphicpress
- TT Combat - @TTCombat - https://ttcombat.com/
- Winged Hussar Publishing - https://www.wingedhussarpublishing.com/
- Unipolar games - https://unipolargames.square.site/
- Secret Weapon Miniatures - https://www.secretweaponminiatures.com/
- Sea Dog Games Studio - @SeaDogStudios - http://seadoggamestudios.storenvy.com/
- Impact Miniatures - @Impactminis- https://www.impactminiatures.com/
- Mythica Gaming - @mythicagaming - https://mythicagaming.com/
- Tectonic Craft Studios - @Tectonic_Craft - https://tectoniccraftstudios.com/
- Black Site Studios@BSSTerrain - https://blacksitestudio.com/
- Scale 75 - https://scale75.com
- Spectre Miniatures - @spectreminis - https://www.spectreminiatures.com/
- DGS Games - @GamesDgs - https://www.dgsgames.com/
- Giga Robo - @playgigarobo - https://gigarobo.com/
- Miniature Building Authority - @MinBldgAuth - https://www.miniaturebuildingauthority.com/
- Game Envy - @game_envy - https://gameenvy.net/
- Artis Opus - @ArtisOpusLtd - https://www.artis-opus.com/
- DUST Studio - @Dust1947 - https://dustgame.com/
- Atlas Games - @atlasgames - https://www.atlas-games.com/
- Den Of Imagination - @doiStudio - https://www.denofimagination.com/
- Laser Craft Workshop - https://lasercraftworkshop.com/
- Games Workshop - @WarComTeam - https://www.games-workshop.com/
- Fogou Models - @Fogou_Models - https://www.fogoumodels.co.uk/
- Huge Miniatures - @hugeminis - https://hugeminis.com/
- Slow Death Games - @wildinthestreetsgame - http://www.slowdeathgames.com/
- Trenchworx - @Trenchworx1 - https://www.trenchworx.com/
- Mantic Games - @manticgames - https://www.manticgames.com/
- Games and Gears - @gamesandgearshobby - https://www.gamesandgears.co.uk/
- Catalyst Games Lab - @catalystgamelab - https://www.catalystgamelabs.com/
- Victoria Miniatures - @Vic_Minis - https://victoriaminiatures.com/
- Warlord Games - @WarlordGames - https://store.warlordgames.com/
- Witch Born - @WitchBorn - https://www.witchborn.com/
- Wargames LLC - https://www.wargamerllc.com/
- Asmodee - @AsmodeeUK - https://www.asmodee.co.uk/
- Black Knight Enterprises - @BlackKnightEnt2 https://www.black-knight-ent.com/
- Badger Airbrush - @badgerairbrush - http://badgerairbrush.com/
- Castle Brush Studio - @castle_brush - https://castlebrush.eu/
- Chip Theory Games - @ChipTheoryGames - https://chiptheorygames.com/
- Corvus Belli - @InfinityTheGame - https://infinitythegame.com/
- Creature Caster - @CreatureCaster -https://creaturecaster.store/
- Crucible Crush -https://www.cruciblecrush.com/
- D Verse - @nexus_dverse - https://d-verse.com/
- Flames of War - @Flames_Of_War - https://www.flamesofwar.com/
- Fantasy Flight Games - @FFGames - https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/index/.
- Grey Matter Musings Studio - @GMMStudios - http://www.gmmstudios.net/
- GCT Studios - @BushidoGCT - https://gctstudios.com/
- Metal Neko Games - @MetalNekoGames - https://metalnekogames.com/
- Privateer Press - @privateerpress - https://home.privateerpress.com/
- Panda Cult games - @PandaCultGames - http://pandacultgames.com/
- Relic Blade - @MetalKingStudio - https://relicblade.com/
- Reaper Minis - @reapermini - https://www.reapermini.com/
- Stiff neck Studio - @stiffneckstudio - http://www.stiffneckstudio.com/index.html
- The Art of Wargaming Miniatures - @theartofwargamingminiatures - https://www.theartofwargamingminiatures.com/
- The army painter - @thearmypainter - https://www.thearmypainter.com/